- - Partnership with 21 universities from 8 countries
- - Study abroad program: USA, UK, Canada,
Japan, China, Philippines, Malaysia - - Overseas internship: USA, Canada, China.
Country/Region 국가/지역 |
Partner Institutions 협력기관 |
Agreement Type 협정유형 |
미국(USA) | 애쉴랜드 대학(Ashland University) | 글로벌 현장학습 (Global Workplace) |
블룸필드 대학(Bloomfield College) | 글로벌 현장학습 (Global Workplace) |
캘리포니아주립이공대학 (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona) |
우호협력, 단기연수 (friendly cooperation, short training) |
영국(UK) | 본빌대학(Bournville College) | 우호협력, 단기연수 (friendly cooperation, short training) |
캐나다(Canada) | 센테니얼 대학(Centennial College) | 글로벌 현장학습 (Global Workplace) |
맥길대학교(McGill University) | 글로벌 현장학습 (Global Workplace) |
일본(Japan) | 벳부대학(Beppu University) | 우호협력, 교환학생 (friendly cooperation, exchange student) |
오사카국제대학(Osaka International University) | 우호협력, 교환학생 (friendly cooperation, exchange student) |
중국(China) | 후난의약대학(Hunan University of Medicine) | 자매대학, 교환학생 (sister relation, exchange student) |
후난여자대학(Hunan Women's University) | 자매대학, 교환학생 (sister relation, exchange student) |
창사사범대학(Changsa Normal University) | 우호협력(friendly cooperation) | |
심천직업기술대학(Shenzhen Polytechnic College) | 우호협력, 단기연수 (friendly cooperation, short training) |
삼문협직업기술대학(Sanmenxia Polytechnic College) | 자매대학, 교환학생 (sister relation, exchange student) |
감숙공업직업기술대학 (Gansu Industry Polytechnic College) |
자매대학, 교육협력 (sister relation, educational cooperation) |
필리핀(Philippines) | 세인트루이스대학교(Saint Louis University) | 어학연수 및 직무실습 (language training, practical training) |
세부의과대학(Cebu Doctor's University) | 어학연수 및 직무실습 (language training, practical training) |
불라칸주립대학(Bulacan State University) | 어학연수 및 직무실습 (language training, practical training) |
라샬대학교(De La Salle University) | 어학연수 및 직무실습 (language training, practical training) |
말레이시아(Malaysia) | USCI대학교(USCI University) | 우호협력, 어학연수 (friendly cooperation, language training) |
버자야대학교 (BERJAYA University, College of Hospitality) |
우호협력, 단기연수 (friendly cooperation, short training) |
두바이(Dubai) | 두바이 울런공대학교 (University of Wollongong in Dubai) |
해외 현장실습 (global work experience) |
글로벌 현장학습 프로그램
- ASC Won State Funding for 12 Years in a Row!
- - Ranked top in North Gyeongbuk in the 2015 Global Workplace Training Program (9 people)
- - Awarded the 2016 Global Workplace Training Program (3 people)
- - 146 participants in global field trips in 2017
- - Awarded the 2018 Global Workplace Training Program (19 people)

해외 단기 어학연수 & 문화탐방 프로그램
- Overseas language study opportunities for students showing remarkable language capability improvements
- - 45 people in 2013 (Malaysia and the Philippines)
- - Attended the 2013 Korea-Japan youths academic and cultural exchangeprogram
- - 2014 Global Leadership Camp (22 people, UCSI University)
- - 2015 Global Leadership Camp (19 people, SUNWAY University)
- - 2015~2018 Chinese overseas training & Cultural tours (65 people)

외국어 강화 프로그램
- Language Capacity Building Programs
- - Regular training programs for TOEIC, English conversation, JPT and HSK
- - Programs designed to strengthen subject-specific global competitiveness.
ASC International Summer Session
- ASC International Summer Session that has lasted since 2018, was initiated by the thoughts of how to let foreigners learn about Korean culture in an interesting and amusing way. International students who will be visiting our college for their summer vacation will experience various types of Korean culture through Korean language classes, Korean cultural experience program, cultural exchange between university students, experiencing traditional Korean culture and Korean popular culture that led to the so called Korean Wave.

- 자세한 정보는 안동과학대학교 국제교류처 홈페이지를 방문하세요
- For more information, Visit Andong Science College Office of International Affairs Homepage
- Tel. +82-54-581-3732